Fixed Angle Rotors for Centrifuge-ME92SME


Fixed Angle Rotors for Centrifuge-ME92SME


Product Details:-

  • fixed angle rotor holds tubes at a fixed angle– usually 45°.
  • During centrifugation, the densest particles in the solution will separate towards the angle of the centripetal force
  • In many cases, dense particles will form a concentrated pellet at the bottom of the tube.
  • Cat. No. :- LC01-L30-136
  • Capacity :- 4 x 100 ml (W or W/o cap)
    Glass tubes / Reagent bottle)
  • g-FORCE :- 2599 x g

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Fixed angle, on the other hand, are often the rotor of choice for separating biological material such as DNA, as this requires a greater centrifugal force, which fixed angle rotors can accommodate. Higher RCF is also desirable when very compact pellets are required, since the sediment is formed at greater pressure.


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Fixed Angle Rotors for Centrifuge-ME92SME


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