Healthshine’s Head Immobilizer is a medical device that ensures the patient’s head is not moved during transport by keeping the head stable. This device has broad Velcro closures on the side blocks for a secure fit. It comes with three head straps with a base plate that can be readily fastened. The Head Immobilizer is free of metal components, allowing it to be utilized during X-ray, MRI, and CT scans. It can also be used at very low temperatures. The material for the making of this medical device is impermeable, preventing body fluids from being absorbed (blood, mucous, and vomit). This structure physiologically supports the cranium, preventing additional compression of the skull and completing the immobilization of the spine provided by the cervical collar. This head immobilizer facilitates the transportation of a patient in critical conditions when used with a spine board and a rigid cervical collar.
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